Tuesday 24 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

We have definitely improved our media skills and learnt a lot about pre-production, production and post-production over the last months.

When we filmed our preliminary video we only knew little about different camera shots, movements and editing and it was the first time we used Adobe Premier Pro to edit a video.
We had to include the 180° rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot. Other than that our video didn't have many various shots and movements.

So we started doing some research and the pre-production for our main task: the film opening. We analysed similar products, collected and presented initial ideas, made a working outline and a storyboard and tested the cameras we'd use before we could actually start filming. We didn't do any pre-production for the preliminary task apart from researching those three things we had to include which are mentioned above.

When we then started with the production of our opening, we had a wider range of shots and movements we could use to make it varied and interesting. Right at the beginning of the opening for example we used an establishing long shot from the "hunter's" point of view.

To show facial expressions we've used close-ups in our opening which we didn't do in our preliminary task.
The post-production was a real challenge for us! Other than for the preliminary video, we now had to add titles and music for the background, too. Even though it became easier every time as we knew how to do it, we still had loads of problems with Adobe Premiere Pro itself. It also kept telling us that there wasn't enough memory to save it on the system but we managed this by asking the school's ICT staff for help.

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