Friday 20 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
You already know the name and logo of our production company, Pieker Pictures. The name is just made up of our own surnames Piep and Iker, and as well as the logo, which was really just meant to look quite nice, it doesn't suggest a genre of movies the company might produce and distribute.

A production company, as the name suggests, produces the movie, which means it has to organise the crew, actors, locations, props, technology and everything else needed to make the movie.

Making our opening, we always had a special product in mind we were aiming for, which is the German series of crime films "Tatort". It's on TV at prime time weekly with different inspectors from different cities. We always imagined our movie to be part of a series like this and not like a huge Hollywood blockbuster.

The Tatort films are produced by local TV stations or small production companies working for them, so Pieker Pictures would probably be one of them.
The film are not promoted in a special way, the 'fanbase' knows when they're on TV, the only advertisement is on the respective TV station showing an advert saying which time the Tatort is on.

The money for the production comes from the TV stations producing the film and also from the German film funding company 'Deutscher Filmförderfonds' which is about the same as the UK Film Council Film Fund

The titles in our opening appear in the following order:
  • main title
  • actor 3
  • camera
  • sound and music
  • actor 2
  • production
  • actor 1
  • editing
  • written and directed
We started with the title of the movie and then the least important one and finished with "Written and Directed by", which for us is the most important one.
We left out titles like costumes or make-up, as those really weren't important parts of our opening and it would have been too many titles in the end.
The names appearing are only Alina's and mine and two other actors, because we were only a group of two, so both of us almost did everything.

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