Tuesday 24 April 2012

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The genre of our film is crime/thriller. Films of this genre often create tension with shadows and dark settings. Our opening is mostly filmed outside in the dark where we only used street lamps.
On top of that, the costumes and props of our opening are classic examples for the genre. For instance, mobile phones are often used in real media products like ours at the end.

We tried to use different kinds of shots and angles to make it rich in variety. At the end we used quick cuts which is typical for this genre.

Our titles are kept simple and without any frills which is also conventional.

The song we used is not typical for the crime/thriller genre. There is rather suspense, instrumental music used in the background to create tension. But we still find that our song is good for our opening as it sounds dramatic and suspense even though it is not a typical convention.

There are also a lot of crime films which start like ours. At the beginning the victim is introduced to the audience as well as what happens to them and then the film carries on showing the inspectors searching for them and/or trying to solve the crime. We thought that in our film there could be shown extracts from earlier and now which is also typical. By showing the girl in the room shouting for help we wanted to make the viewers interested in what happend to her and how the film will go on.

All in all, our film opening uses codes and conventions of crime/thriller films.

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