Monday 30 April 2012

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/adress your audience?

The connection to a possible target audience is probably our weakest point and we don't think we did enough to get feedback.

We presented our ideas to our class (see here) and got feedback from them and our teacher watched our roughcut and commented on it (here), but that's basically it.

We have a YouTube channel where we uploaded our videos and initially set up a facebook page which in the end we never used.
What we should have done with it is post our videos on there as well and then get our friends to look at it so they could have given us feedback, even though they don't really fit in our target audience it would have been better than no feedback at all
The feedback would have been helpful for us and made it a lot easier to improve our opening; they probably would have commented on things that we didn't even think about or changed our mind about something we thought of as finished.

It really is too late to change anything about that now, but we are aware of that in this aspect we could have done a lot more.

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