Tuesday 31 January 2012


We finally started filming on Friday, but even though the forecast again said it wasn't going to, it started raining before we had finished filming all of the opening. We filmed the rest of the outdoor scenes on Saturday, which now only leaves the short indoor scenes for us to do.

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Our film opening doesn't contain a lot of dialogue, so our script is quite short.

There will be a short dialogue in the beginning, as they leave the party, which will be like
"Thanks for inviting us!",
"It was a really great party!"
and then "Bye!" and "See you!"
or something similar to that.

There won't be any or only very few talking when the two girls walk home, maybe one of them saying
"Oh, it's sooo cold!".

Then, when one of the girls arrives home, they will say "Bye!" and she's going to say
"Text me when you're home!" to the other girl.

Similar Characters

I looked for characters in movies that are similar to the ones in our opening and I came up with these:
Bring It On
High School Musical
Mean Girls

They are all that kind of "girlie girls" as the girls in our opening are supposed to be.


Unfortunately we couldn't film our opening last weekend, because even though the weather report predicted no rain on Friday, it was raining all day and so it was on Saturday.

We will have to film the opening this weekend.

Friday and Saturday would both be good days for filming if the weather report is right this time, because it won't be raining both nights.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Weather report

As we want to film our opening this weekend, we looked at the weather forecast and decided that Friday would probably be the best day to film the parts outside as it's not going to rain. We could then do the parts inside on Saturday or Sunday.


The characters in our film opening:
  • between 16 and 18 years old
  • all very girlie dressed up, a lot of make-up, high heels
  • actors: I'm going to play the main character and two of our friends are going to be the other two girls.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Risk Assessment

What could go wrong?
  1. It could start raining/snowing.
  2. Batteries could run down./Camera could break.
  3. An actor could be unavailabe.
  4. We could forget to film a scene./A scene was filmed wrong or doesn't look good.
What could we do about that?
  1. We need to have an alternative date to film.
  2. We have to take spare batteries./Have an alternative date.
  3. We need to have alternative actors and actors we can trust.  
  4. We need to be well organised (stick to Storyboard and Shotlist).

Classification of our film

We wrote about the Biritsh Board of Film Classification (BBFC) earlier (here).
If we would have to classificate our film, it would be
15 - Suitable only for 15 years and over
  • work mustn't endorse discrimination
  • drug taking may be shown but not promoted or encouraged
  • (no sadistic or sexualised) strong threat allowed
  • no dangerous behaviour on detail
  • may contain frequent use of strong language
  • nudity allowed in sexual context, but not on detail
  • sexual activity permitted, but not on detail
  • may contail strong violence
because not the opening but the following action would possibly contain violence, threat and frequent strong language.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Testing the camera

Alina and I tested one of the school cameras, because we wanted to see if the light of a street lamp was enough to make a proper video, and luckily it is most of the time.
The video also shows some possible locations for our opening.
Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DApvVVqDweQ&feature=youtu.be